Use Technology Effectively to Improve Mining Productivity
December 3, 2021
Why Strategic Mine Planning is More Important Than Ever
March 10, 2022The first step in the mining cycle – drill and blast (D&B) – is arguably the most important step to perform correctly. When done incorrectly, it is a hard and expensive lesson for a mine to recover from.
A holistic approach built on integrated solutions, is key to optimising a mine’s productivity and profitability. A successful blast not only optimises the cost of that blast, but it will also improve the total cost profile of the entire mine.
Fragmentation, done correctly results in:
- Higher digger productivity
- Reduced shovel or excavator cycle times and rework
- Less downtime at the crusher
- Lower cost of crushing
- Lower digger maintenance costs
- Improved tonnes per hour through the processing plant.
It is best to harness technology such as improved dilution tracking, high-accuracy machine-guidance drills, and shovels with positioning capabilities, to achieve best results for yield, fragmentation, and dilution.
To achieve the optimal D&B process, considerations include:
Blast design
A holistic D&B process begins with a cleverly designed blast pattern, which is executed using high-precision drills. The next critical steps are loading and timing designs considering the ground temperature, water existence, fly rock, vibration, frequency, overpressure, fragmentation, blast profile and fume analysis.
Blast movement monitoring
Mining companies invest millions of dollars to accurately find the ore body and gather information about the surrounding geology. Movement technology – using sensors and software – is an integral part of the D&B process, to provide accurate location information for open pit mines and recover all of the mine’s resources. This helps to avoid lost revenue, for example waste being sent to the wrong mill or ore being sent to the wrong downstream location. With the correct technology, the mine has full vision of where its ore body moved to after the blast.
Results measurement
Evaluating the effect of the blast design and processes implementation provides opportunities for increased profitability. Measuring key blast results, including fragmentation size and ore movement is an important tool for managing the process and improving on it. A continuous D&B feedback loop – which is underpinned by the latest technology – increases profitability from each blast.
A unique approach
Atlantech uses the latest techniques and technologies to assist clients in the mining industry with blast and drill (B&D) processes. Contact us today for a confidential, free discussion.
We specialise in:
- Operational: Drill pattern design, blast hold loading plans, effective tie-up plan and timing design, drill, and blast scheduling.
- Technical Consulting: Drill and blast process optimisation, vibration, and overpressure management, blasting in reactive ground, hot hole blasting, fragmentation study, misfire investigation and fume management.